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Propovag Intim Gel

Propovag Intim Gel contains blend of extracts:  Propolis, Yarrow (Achillea Millefolium) and Marigold (Calendulae Officinalis) in bioadhesive excipient. 




Blend of extracts:

  • Propolis
  •  Achillea Millefolium Extractum Liquidum 
  • Calendulae Officinalis Extractum Liquidum in bioadhesive excipient

Propolis and Achillea Millefolium are natural antimycotics that protect mucosa from infections that might occure, while Calendulae Oil perfoms anti-inflammatory activity and stimulates skin and mucosa regeneration.

It is recommended:

  • As a  product that additionaly helps treatment of vaginal mucosa inflammation (that is caused by infection)
  • As a product that helps painful and inflammatory stages of hemorrhoids, as well as their complications
  • At surface wounds, aphtous ulcers, herpes simplex, acne

Instruction for Propovag Intim Gel

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