Melem® Ethno medicine burns treatment
Melem® Ethno medicine burns treatment based on its unique composition prevents scar occurence and decreases burns symptoms (redness, swelling, pain).
It provides burned skin fast cure and revitalization; it has shown significant results in the treatment of: small wounds, cuts, blisters and caluses.
Because of its regenerative and ani-inflammatory properties it helps at purulent processes and improves wound healing.
- Thymiana
- Marigold Oil (Calendulae Oleum)
- Elder Tree Oil (Sambucus nigra oil)
- Olive Oil, Bee Wax
- Cetaceum
- Vitamin E
Mechanism of action:
Thymiana is resin traditionally used as natural antiseptic; it helps in pain reduction.
Elder Tree Oil (Sambucus Nigra Oleum) and Marigold Oil (Calendulae oil) perform an anti-inflammatory activity, prevent swelling, while Calendulae Oleum also helps skin regeneration.
Natural waxes that are melem’s constituents provide emmolient effects, olive oil and vitamin E act as anti-oxidants and UV protection.
It is recommended:
- Before and after exposure to Sun , as prevention from sunburns occurence
- At sunburns treatment
- At dry and humid burns (steam, oils)
- As burns that are caused by certain chemical agents
- At small wounds, cuts, blisters caused by friiction, calluses