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Dr Plant NailProtect anti-fungus gel

NailProtect antifungal gel is a product formulated based on efficient natural antimicrobial ingredients in a bioadhesive gel base. It contains an innovative active substance based on esters of Lactic acid obtained from 100% natural sources in combination with triethyl citrate, a natural antibacterial ingredient.

It contains the tea tree essential oil, a known safe natural antiseptic, rich in content (monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, cineole…) which makes the gel effective against bacteria and fungi.

Thanks to its confirmed efficiency in combating the causes of athlete’s foot, nail fungi and accompanying unpleasant odors, this combination of active ingredients represents a natural alternative to different synthetic antimicrobial devices.

Triethyl citrate and tea tree essential oil.

Anion properties of the active substance provide better adherence to the nail plate, as well as the surrounding skin, which provides long-lasting efficiency of this product for many hours.


Use: Apply the gel in a thin layer to the surface of the damaged nail several times a day.

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