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Betavitevit liposomal Fe+Vitamin C, 30 tablets

Betavitevit Fe and Vitamin C is dietary supplement that in just one pill, which represents daily needs, contains optimal iron and vitamin C ratio.

Iron is considered oligoelement, it is necessary for hemoglobin synthesis and erythrocyte formation In this product it is in the form of ferrous-gluconate, easy to solve salt , that represents iron in the form which can be used maximally.

Vitamin C stimulates iron absorption, takes part in the collagen synthesis and skin cells regeneration, in OR (oxidation-reduction processes) and it helps boosting immune system.




Iron (as Ferrum (III) pyrophosphate) (100% RDA),

Vitamin C (100 %RDA)

Vitamin C stimulates iron absorption, takes part in the collagen synthesis and skin cells regeneration, in OR (oxidation-reduction processes) and it helps boosting immune system.

When Betavitevit® Iron and Vitamin C should be used?

  • When the need for iron is increased (pregnancy, breast feeding, adolescence)
  • In the case of iron deficiency that appears because of poor iron intake by food, its low resorption or its increased loss 
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