DISINFECTS, NOURISHES AND COOLS alcohol 70% + menthol + panthenol + aloe ALCOSEPTOL ICE ...

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DISINFECTS, NOURISHES AND COOLS alcohol 70% + menthol + panthenol + aloe ALCOSEPTOL ICE ...
Alkoseptol 70% solution is ethyl alcohol - ethanol, at a concentration of 60-80% and is a ...
Hydrosept 3 Spray is a skin disinfectant and hygiene product, for mucous membranes and wou...
Hydrosept 3 Solution is a skin disinfectant and hygiene product, for mucous membranes and ...
Alkoseptol 70 solution is ethyl alcohol - ethanol, at a concentration of 60-80% and is a p...
Skin and wound disinfectant packed in the spray bottle for more convinient use.