Vaši lični podaci će se koristiti za podržavanje vašeg iskustva na ovoj veb stranici, za upravljanje pristupom vašem nalogu, kao i za druge svrhe opisane na našoj stranici politika privatnosti.



Esensa® company’s group of products marketed as Betavitevit® besides brewer’s-yeast that is main ingredient, contains dietary supplements that protect/prevent health and vitality..They are impotant for everyone who runs stressful, dynamic life , because of fast food and deficient exercising.. Brewer’s-yeast that is constiuent of Betavitevit® represents natural source of vitamin B compex, essential amino-acids, proteins, minerals, oligoelements, glutation and nucleic acids. Its action is beneficial for nervous system, liver health, it improves digestive tract activity, provides intestinal mucosa balance, and stimulates appetite.

Brewer’s -yeast affects metabolic processes in human’s body while stimulating sugar metabolism and it decreases blood cholesterol. Betavitevit® products have performed excellent results in skin care, hair care, as well as in nail care

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